The arts should be available to more people at prices they can afford 艺术品应该以人们能够承受的价格面向更多的人出售。
A wide variety of hot and cold snacks will be available. 会有各种冷热小吃。
The researchers hope that such a vaccine could be available in about ten years 'time 研究人员期望能在大约10年内研制出这样的疫苗。
This service should be available to everybody, irrespective of whether they can afford it. 这项服务应该面向所有人,不管他们是否负担得起。
Free moorings will be available. 将会有免费停泊区。
Jordan's own-label collection of sweatshirts, T-shirts and caps will be available this Christmas. 乔丹自有品牌的运动衫、T恤衫和帽子系列将于今年圣诞节上市。
Last month the company announced several new products that will be available later this year. 上个月,这家公司宣布了今年晚些时候即将上市的几款新产品。
Any expression allowed at compile-time on your Scheme system will be available for use in this expression. Scheme系统中编译时允许执行的任何表达式都可以在这个表达式中使用。
These existing systems also need to be available whenever the new offering needs it. 这些现有系统还需要在新服务需要时能够为可用状态。
So the quarterly backup will likely not be available when you might need to restore it in the future. 所以,当您将来需要恢复每季度的备份时,这个备份却很可能不可用了。
The resulting object will now be available to other scripts on the page. 所得到的对象现在对页面上的其他脚本都是可用的。
The coordinator implementation could only use the functionality in the StockQuoteService proven to be available by the service tests. 协调程序实现只能使用StockQuoteService中经服务测试证明可用的功能。
For this feature to work, source code needs to be available. 为了让这个特性工作,源代码必须可用。
Automated tests should be available in order to measure how much testing was done. 为了测量测试花了多少时间,自动化测试应该是可用的。
If so, this facility will need to be available at the disaster recovery environment. 如果是这样,在灾难恢复环境中也需要可以使用这个设施。
Also, many new functions will only be available to standard portlets. 而且,很多新功能都将只对标准portlet可用。
If no product plug-ins are installed, then only the default system collector will be available. 如果未安装产品插件,则将只有缺省系统收集器可用。
This file must be available on some URL for a successful startup of the Gateway. 该文件必须对于一些URL是可用的,将其用于成功启动网关。
For others to use your IEPD, it has to be available publicly for others to discover. 为了让其他人使用使用您的IEPD,您的IEPD必须公共可用,以便被其他人发现。
However, this requirement file should be available across a network for shared access. 不过,此需求文件应该通过网络上的共享访问形式提供。
Until that time, the session used by the listener port will not be available to any other application. 在这之前,侦听器端口使用的会话对其他任何应用程序都不可用。
For each database that a data development project uses, a number of languages might be available. 对于一个数据开发项目使用的每个数据库,有很多种语言可供选择。
The data contained within the Order object will be available for use within the process. Order对象中包含的数据将能够在该流程中使用。
SOAP guarantees that a return value will be available directly in the corresponding native type in a particular platform. SOAP保证,返回值将以一个特定平台中的对应原生类型直接可用。
Existing data models may be available and could be used to further specify or support end-user requirements. 现有的数据模型可能是可用的,并且可以用于进一步指定或支持终端用户需求。
More often these days, testing resources might be available but not at the same geographic location. 这段时期更经常的情况是测试资源可能可以获得,但是它们不在同一个地方。
The selected users will subsequently be available directly in the list. 选定的用户随后将直接在该列表中可用。
All document data, including content, metadata and facets, must be available to the application. 所有文档数据,包括内容、元数据和facet,都必须能够用于应用程序。
You can also install a Samba version that might not yet be available for your distribution using source code. 您还可以使用源代码安装一个可能尚未发行的Samba版本。
Location independence: This means that a destination should be available from anywhere in the network. 位置独立性:这意味着目的地应该从网络中的任何位置可用。